What does connection mean to you?
Here’s some food for thought; what does connection mean to you?
I’ll lead with a quote from the inspirational Brené Brown who appears to have nailed the ultimate definition;
“I define connection as the energy that exists between people when they feel seen, heard and valued; when they can give and receive without judgement; and when they derive sustenance and strength from the relationship.”
For me, connection is everything; it’s how we are with ourselves, how we feel within our bodies, it’s how we engage with those around us and how we interact with our environment, it’s the most fundamental part of living a fulfilling life. It’s emotional, physical, social, energetic and intellectual… It’s layered and the beauty of it is; it connects everything!
Brené is most definitely talking about the connection between two or more people however the energy she mentions can be applied to the energy felt when you deepen the connection you have to yourself.
When you strengthen your self-awareness and begin to fully acknowledge your feelings and the experiences you have, you develop more compassion for yourself, your sense of self-worth and pride deepens and so does the connection.
Without a doubt, the stronger the connection you have to yourself the more easily you’ll connect with others and the more energetic that connection will be.
Maybe connection starts with people, we were born to live in tribes after all, and then we learn to connect to ourselves which only improves our connection to others.
When we develop a connection to our intellect or creativity, it enhances the connection to the next project we might be working on which creates an even greater connection to those you share it with, and round and round it goes.
So, what are your thoughts on connection?
Do you feel it’s as deeply woven into our lives as I do?
This is a topic I’m extremely passionate about because it links so directly to our wellbeing but I’ll leave you to digest your own thoughts and if you’d like to share them with me, please add a comment below!
Have a great day my friends,
P.S; I’m hosting a FREE webinar next Thursday 8th April for business leaders where I’ll be going deeper on this subject.
You can register your spot here it would be great to see you there!