EFT Explained.
What you need to know about Emotional Freedom Technique
Emotional Freedom Technique.
The cause of negative emotions is a disruption in your body’s energy system.
Free yourself from your emotions!
EFT means Emotional Freedom Technique, it is about freeing yourself from your emotions and allowing you to live more calmly without your emotions - subconscious mind - running the show!
Would you like to feel calmer and think more clearly about what you have going on in your life?
Do you like the idea of acupuncture but just don’t fancy the needles?
EFT is a unique exercise that calms you so you can think more clearly about your problem.
This technique is considered an emotional version of acupuncture - without the needles!
If you have a problem, a physical pain, or a limiting belief that is holding you back from moving forward with your goals, EFT can help you release these pains and emotional blocks helping you to live your life with less stress.
All matter is made up of energy. We are energy and the cause of negative emotions is a disruption in your body’s energy system.
Using EFT you can pull up what bothers you and turn it down, or off, on purpose! You can do this with focus and intention using a series of touch-points or taps which I will be guiding you through. These touchpoints are the endpoints of Meridians in your body which travel and weave their way throughout your body. By tapping on these points you can rebalance and clear your body’s energy system by focusing on the problem you want to move through.
This is a powerful and mindful technique where you tap on your worry, fear or belief to release the negative energy to clear the fear or belief, removing the power it has over your life so you can reset your mindset and live a calmer more connected life!