Reflections & Releasing Rituals For The Full Moon
How I work with the Full Moon to release limiting beliefs and renew my intentions.
I’m all for setting intentions and visualising my dream goals but sometimes things just feel off. No matter how vivid and beautiful my vision and how good it feels in my heart, in the back of my mind there’s a feeling I won’t be able to achieve it. Even as I breathe into my heart and stay focused on the vision I want to create in my life, my body is tensing up, pulling back, ready to run away or hide. “Who am I to want this?”, “How can I ever make this happen?”
The narrative takes on its own and creates a disconnection between my heart's desires and my innate beliefs. You see, we all have a belief system, good or bad it shapes who we are, how we are, and the choices we make. Even though we know in our hearts what we want, the rest of our body is saying, “Dream on, this is never going to happen!” This means, that no matter how often you write out your goals or how loudly you repeat your affirmations, you’ll feel like you’re coming up short.
What you need to know before working with the Full Moon…
Depending on where the moon is during the cycle, the sun's light is reflected by the surface of the moon, this is how we see it. Right now we are moving towards the full moon. A time when the moon is in the opposite position to the sun beaming brightly in its wholeness. This peak fullness will soon begin to wane, gradually releasing its intensity.
I see this as a divine time to do the same. To shine a light on the inner narrative that feels disempowering and reflect on what is taking me from self-belief and pulling me into self-doubt. Is it old stories, past experiences, people I work with, social media, conversations I have with my friends and family, or a combination of them all?
Each full moon I set aside some time to write out the stories I tell myself and the inner chatter that comes when I dare to dream bigger. I get them all out, I give them just enough air time to capture them and scribble them down, and then I breathe.
I read back through what I wrote and pay attention to how I feel in my body as I ask:
Are these thoughts supporting me or keeping me stuck?
What can I choose to believe right now to stay hopeful?
What do I already know to be true to keep me present?
I don’t criticise myself for having these beliefs but I’m proud I’m able to recognise them. Once I feel done with my list I begin a new one. On this page, I choose positive personal statements that redirect my attention from the negative thoughts and create messages of inspiration and encouragement to turn to any time they come up.
Sometimes I write a letter forgiving myself for a mistake I made, to a person who hurt me, or about an experience I worry will come to bite me in the bum if I dare imagine a better life myself. I then burn my lists, or letters to energetically release them and symbolise the end of a cycle, chapter, or phase in my life.
This can be a potent time for self-renewal.
The Full Moon is also a beautiful reminder to honour the ebb and flow of life and our inner seasons.
Nothing can stay whole all of the time, that would be exhausting.
If anything, let the moon be a reminder that you are a cyclical being. You get to be as bright, shiny, and intense as you choose to be, and to do that you get to pause, rest, and recharge as often as you need.
I've been feeling like things have been unravelling lately, and I'm learning to relax my grip and lean into the ebb and flow. Ironically, it's in the aftermath of these moments that I've found the most appreciation and gratitude for what I do have.
Keep going.
Be kind.
The relationship between intentions and limiting beliefs.
Intentions serve as guiding lights, carefully selected to lead us toward a goal or our bigger vision. They encapsulate the essence of what we wish to experience, embody, or attract more of in our lives, serving as constant reminders of our most cherished values. Think of them as stepping stones on the path you are paving towards your goal.
Now I want you to think about the thing that stops you from going after what you want and following your dreams and intentions…
Is it self-doubt, your inner critic, or something someone said to you back at school?
You see intentions will often come with a contradicting thought or emotion, aka a limiting belief. It’s all well and good getting clear on your goals and setting your intentions, but if there's a limiting belief in the way and if you’re not working on releasing it, your intentions alone won’t be strong enough to overpower it and you’ll be left feeling stuck.
What is a limiting belief?
During my training as an EFT and Matrix practitioner, one of the most impressive things I learned is that we all have a core belief that runs throughout our whole life. Commonly, this innate belief is imprinted in our first 6 years and is based on a past event, something you saw, heard, or experienced.
At that moment you felt an emotion such as fear, doubt, or shame and it led you to form a belief. For example, “People always leave me” and almost immediately you make a decision; perhaps, “I am unloveable”, or “I can’t trust anyone”.
This all happens on a subconscious level and it becomes deeply rooted in our psyche.
Without us being aware this emotional belief can resonate on an emotional, physiological, and chemical level in the body. Subconscious programming like this can impact 95-99% of our daily behaviour, habits, and choices. We might develop hundreds of limiting beliefs over the years but there is often one core belief underpinning and weaving them all together.
Three steps to release beliefs and renew intentions over the Full Moon
Journaling for me is a release; my thoughts become words on a page that is no longer swirling around in my head. In today's fast-paced world, life can feel overwhelming and intense. I'm always open to any opportunity to pause, process my thoughts, catch up, and make the necessary changes. Journalling is about reflecting on how we feel and what we are experiencing, recognising patterns or unhelpful stories, and making enlightening realisations.
EFT aka tapping, is the process of tapping on specific touch points on your body whilst speaking statements out loud to encourage an emotional release to happen. Emotion is energy in motion and the cause of negative emotions is a disruption in your body’s energy system. All matter is made up of energy, including us which is why you feel a shift in your mood, behaviour, and emotions when you experience something difficult or overwhelming. By tapping on the meridian points of the body you can rebalance and clear your body’s energy system by focusing on the problem you want to move through. Think of tapping as a powerful technique for turning down the volume of your negative thoughts.
“Thoughts are the language of the mind. Feelings are the language of the body. Change your thoughts and feelings and you change your state of being.” - Dr Joe Dispenza
Visualisation is something I have a passion for sharing as much as I love to practice it! Although I am a very visual person I have found that people who have struggled with meditation in the past often find visualisation “easier” to stick with. The intention is to focus on your heart's desires and bring imagery into your mind (guided initially) to create a deep sense of gratitude, appreciation, joy, or pride. As that feeling resonates through your whole body it gradually becomes your state of being.
The technique I use is deeply restorative and combines Yoga Nidra to allow you to access Delta brainwaves. These slower brainwaves are responsible for the healing and restoration that happens in your body during deep sleep. By activating delta brainwaves you allow your mind and body to rest while you're awake.
This is a dream-like state of awareness where we can embed new intentions and a powerful sense of self-belief.
Some reflective prompts to guide you during this Full Moon…
What were your intentions last month or for the year, and do they still resonate, or has something changed?
Has anything felt heavy, as though you were moving through treacle or, carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders?
Write out three things from the previous 3-6 months you feel proud of, no matter how small.
If you knew nothing could stand in your way, what would you most like to do? List all the things that make your heart sing… Personal dreams, life goals, and business ideas…
List the people, practices, experiences, and material possessions you feel most grateful for, and reflect on what they bring to your life.
What positive realisations can you gather from your reflections, and what is coming up to be released?
Why not join me for a retreat this September?
This is my intention for our next retreat; to create a calming Dreamscape for you to reflect on your year so far, and reap all the goodness from the previous seasons.
Dreamscape is a full-day wellness retreat carefully timed to fall close to the Autumn Equinox, the astrological end of Summer, and the Pisces Full Moon. It's a moment to replenish our energy and give ourselves permission to pause, turn inward, and explore new ways of reconnecting and being.
During this retreat, we'll focus on calming your worn-out nervous system by creating a restful and reflective experience and a calming dreamscape for creative focus. I intend to help you release emotional and physical tension, and invite lightness and softness into your life.
Sounds dreamy, right?
Let me create space for you to pause and take a breath.
Claim your space and carve out time in your diary, having something to look forward to can ease us through the tough times my friend. I’ve created a pay-in-3 option foo make it easier for you to join us too.
Big love,