The Blog.
How to turn a habit into a lifestyle and help to reduce your cortisol levels
Knowing something is good for you is not always enough to form a habit. However, through experience and exploration, you can get a deeper understanding of the physiological and emotional benefits and begin to integrate that knowledge into your body.
Stress is a natural state we are designed to move through although our capacity to ride the waves of life can fluctuate. With modern life a mishmash of emotions and distractions it’s easy to detach from how we are feeling. Learning how to lower your cortisol levels and improve your mood is how you can turn a healthy habit into a mindful lifestyle.
Three simple yet IMPACTFUL ways to change how you feel...
Not only are these tips for everyday wellness, but they are also tools for days when life is challenging as f*ck! You are the foundation of your life. These simple steps will support but also sustain your health and well-being...
Stress is a jittery creature called Stacey, that lives in my legs…
How stress shows up and learning to recognise and respond to your stress signals.
Stress is an everyday process your body is built to flow in and out of, naturally, the problem is you can end up spending more time there than your body would like you to. Understanding how stress shows up and impacts your body invites self-awareness helping you embrace your wobbles and live your life with more connection and balance.
Two of the most important things you can do stick to your intentions and new habits
Two of the most important things you can do to help yourself create and stick to your intentions and new habits are to reduce your stress levels and get good quality sleep. For some of you, me included this is going to pose a problem because getting a good night’s sleep consistently and feeling less stressed day to day are two of the biggest challenges you might be faced with right now.
If finding time to look after yourself is your biggest challenge, you need to read this!
If finding time to look after yourself is your biggest challenge let me suggest you create pockets of time just for you because the last thing you need is self-care to be another thing to add to your to-do list! How can you use one of these snippets of time to do something that will improve your mood or help you to feel present so you are able to be more of how you want to feel?
What is tapping and how can it support your wellbeing?
Imagine, if you could ease your anxiety and relieve physical tension with a series of taps. Imagine, if you could catch a negative thought in motion, focus on it and release it, effortlessly. All this is possible and that is why tapping is so powerful in supporting your well-being…
Creating space for change.
Creating space for change can sound like an unrealistic concept in our modern world yet change is constant. You only need to look around you, at nature to see the signs that everything shifts and nothing stay the same, except perhaps for us. If change is constant it’s no wonder we feel so stuck when we keep doing things the same old things.
How to create self-care habits you stick to?
Making time for yourself isn't easy, even though you know you need to. Let’s be honest, knowing what you need and when you need it can be a challenge. It’s easy to keep pushing on when things need to get done and get swept up in the fear of not having enough time. With all that you are doing, where are you giving yourself space to be restored, feel energised, uplifted and reconnected?
Feeling a shift in balance? It’s an equinox…
It’s the Autumn Equinox, (in the Northern Hemisphere) the time of year when we sense the shift in the seasons, our moods and our lifestyles… It’s when plants and trees are slowing down as sunlight decreases to get ready for the colder season ahead. We too are being called to slow down and turn inward but how we choose to do that nowadays is somewhat confusing in today’s hectic modern world.
Why it’s so difficult to make time for yourself
"Why is it so difficult to make time for myself?" Does this sound familiar to you? I know it does for me! This sentence has been said to me in many ways, many times over the past few weeks, it's something we all seem to struggle with. I know this feeling all too well, and although nowadays some would call me selfish with my time, my well-being is patting me on the way!
Falling out of routines, embracing your wobbles and finding your rhythm.
September is when I start to reflect on what I wanted from and for myself this year, it's a time when I renew my intentions and have a deep desire to make these next few weeks and months really count! If you feel the same it’s easy to see how easily you can get caught up in the hustling energy and become impatient. It’s when we allow ourselves to get swept up in the doing that we lose a sense of why we’re doing it in the first place.